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Old November 24th 03, 04:21 PM
Peter Maus
Posts: n/a

Gary Blasingame wrote:
In August of this year I was in Milwaukee on business and stopped by AES
Radio Supply and purchased a Grundig Satellit 800 Radio. Well the wife
won't let me keep the beast in the bedroom by the bed. So I want to trade it
for something else to listen to. Prehaps something in a dualband UHF and VHF
or HF mobile. Please if interested in some kind of trade respond back. I
the receipt for the Grundig and it is still under warranty. I also have the
box and packing, manual, headphones. The cost of the radio was $499.00.


Setting aside the obvious questions of "Do you not also live in
the house as a contributing co-owner, and if so, how does anyone not
'let you' have your radio where you want your radio?" there are some
significant alternatives for a bedside. One is any of the AOR 7030
series. It also makes an excellent, if not almighty expensive,
clock radio, and you can infrequently find them on the used market
for about what you paid for your Lex-Tecs-Pass-dig-sahn.

Other choices include Drake SW-2 (an excellent choice, btw), or
Lowe HF-150.

More classic and compact options include Hallicrafters S-53a,
Panasonic RF-3100 or previous models, any of the solid state Zenith
T/O's, Sat 500, or Sat 700.

Then again, you may wish to make a statement, and dig in. For
that, I'd recommend a Ten-Tec RX-340, or a classic Harris RF-550.
But you may wish to consider something more traditional, like a
Hammarlund Super Pro. At least if things don't go your way, it can
keep you warm at night.
