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Old November 26th 03, 04:36 AM
Posts: n/a

earthewacok wrote:

James Lloyd.

Here's his website:

A real kook. Likes to laugh at times strangely similar to
that of a rubber-room refeugee. Likes to say
everyone else is wrong and he is right because
"god" speaks to him on a regular basis.
(....more likely he's mistaking "his" messages from the
space brothers with something that can easily
be cured with a good dose of prozac)

Also check 5.070 from 9:00 to 10:00 PM est for
the "sweet liberty" broadcast. This one done by
a rare pay-triot *woman* who also sounds like she's 3
bricks short of a full load, plus she's a rabid
jew hating anti-semite to boot as well.

Here's her URL:

(CAUTION: the above URL is a *manditory* Tin-Foil Hat zone!)

Ah! The joys and pleasures of domestic kooks on shortwave
radio....the undisputed armpit of el-cheapo USA broadcasting.

The question is, who among the listenership actually believes it and who
thinks it's entertainment? I read recently that most listeners to AM
talk radio tune in to be entertained, not because they believe it. But
on SW there are no Arbitron ratings-anybody with spare change can play.
Then again, a guy from Nevada who was a regular listener to Alex Jones
broke into the Bohemian Grove one night, tried to start the place on
fire, and put kook lit at the base of the owl statue. He was dressed up
like a superhero with the words "phantom patriot" on his chest. So you
never know who's listening and what they might do.


"Diverd4777" wrote in message
Tuesday, 00:00 5.105
- Some guy comes on,
talking about:

safest underground Bunkers
radiation detectors
Mind control
Google searches o " Mind Control Patents"
calling 830 672 8734 to order stuff
Polar Ice Caps Melting . .
The B I I I B L E ! !

-Who is this guy ??