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Old November 30th 03, 12:11 PM
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1. Common Broad Cast Bands for Radio Transmissin and Reception:

* Longwave (LW) ~ 150 to 500 kHz

* Medium Wave (AM/MW/BCB) ~ 500 to 1800 kHz

* Shortwave (SW/HF) Bands ~ 1.8 to 30 MHz

* FM Broadcast Band (FM/UHF) ~ 86 to 108 MHz

* VHF and UHF Bands ~ 30 MHz and Beyond...

2. Hence We Say (Common Useage/Expressions):

* AM & FM Radios
= = = AM and FM Band Reception ONLY.

* Shortwave (SW/HF) Radios/Receivers
= = = Shortwave Band Reception ONLY {?}

* General Communications Radios/Receivers
= = = Usually includes the LW, MW and SW Bands.

* WORLD BAND Radios/Receivers
= = = Coverage: MW, SW, and FM; maybe LW and more.

* Wide Band Scanners/Radios/Receivers
= = = Coverage: VHF and UHF Bands and maybe more.

LANGUAGE: Its All About . . .
- Saying It !
- - Writing It !
- - - and Reading It !
To Reach a Common Understanding [ Communications ] .

t4... ~ RHF
= = = Take The Time To... Think About It !
= = = (Andre)
= = = wrote in message . com...

In Google Shortwave newsgroup, our colleagues have been debating
the term "World Band" as a kind of communication spectrum as well as
"Shortwave spectrum". It seems that this debate would be an endless
discussion, just like a flame that never dies.
There should be a deliberation or a forum that discuss the
validity of the term "World Band" to substitute "Shortwave" as a kind
of communication spectrum. Only the following like the "Committee on
Radio Frequencies" (CORF) under the National Academy of Sciences,
"Inter-Union Commission on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy
and Space Science (IUCAF) of the International Council of Scientific
Unions and the "Radio communication Sector" of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) can discuss and implement to do the
changes officially like "World band" spectrum = "Shortwave" spectrum.
For example the term "kilocycles" was used in old radios before and
was presently changed to "kilohertz" in the honor of "Heinrich Hertz",
the discoverer of electromagnetic waves. This should be the next
agenda for the next "World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC)
meeting. It should be constructive and acceptable to the world
especially by scientists and engineers, not confusion and
misinterpretation. Mostly engineering or scientific books published
around the world, it never mentioned the term "World Band" as a kind
of communication spectrum.
Its only Sony Corporation who introduced the term "World Band"
thru their marketing ads for their radios that has the capability to
receive foreign or international broadcasts around the world. Their
ads mentioned that Sony, a long time world leader in multi-band
receivers, takes you on a boundary-free trip around the world on four
complete bands, requiring no passports, visas or custom checks". In
other words "Sony World Band Receivers ? Know No Boundaries".
