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Old December 1st 03, 11:17 PM
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Diverd4777 wrote:

In article , Cindy-Lu Who

Alex Jones is screaming from the top of his lungs about these "blockaids"
police are putting up under the disguise of checking for seat belts. He
these are Nazi tactics to "check your papers" and search your vehicle.

Alex Jones Is Full Of **** !

Nazi Schmazi!
They're checkin to see if your seat belt is fastened. You put up a fight & the
" HEY! Mebbe s/ he's tryin to HIDE something...

Obviously Alex Jones has never been to a REAL checkpoint where they
actually check your papers.

Folks, I went through one of these so called "stops". They are not a "stop".

They plant themselves at busy city intersections and look around to see if
you're wearing a belt. If not, instant ticket...instant revenue for the

BINGO !!!!
Got nailed meself when driving a rented car ; They let me go with a warning..
No Gun rack ?
Not Drunk & belligerant? Small Fry !!

It should **** you off that they are wasting valuable police time on this,
instead of something else. They really don't give a damn about your life.
want the revenue! That's all.

Nope! Not wasting time at all. SOmeones Breakin The Law on One thing, mebbee
Brakin the law in some other way..

In my area they use the stops to check for drunk drivers. Since DUIs pay
hefty fines here, the cops can afford to do it.

Alex Jones == Too Many Alien Abductions

I wonder if the aliens will decide not to return him one day so that we
won't have to listen to him any longer.

No New World Order conspiracy here. Just plain and simple local government

& Trying to show that the Police can do SOMETHING right;
they can nail a few " Extras in simple searches like that"

PS: Who was that Psycho who , upon being stopped for a simple traffic violatin,
shot up a Police car ??

"Colonel" Steve Anderson of United Patriot Radio (I think that was the
name), a pirate station. He lived in the woods for a year after that.
Also recall Bill Cooper of Hour of the Time (HOTT) who started a
gunfight with cops after the latter came to his door asking about
threats that the former had been making to his neighbors. Unlike the
Colonel, Cooper died as a result.