Crackdown on radio owners & users
Cell phones, nextels, etc. are radios.
those go too?
"DooDahMan" wrote in message
I've been reading this NG, along with several others. Lately, we have
read about a ham arrested in Indiana for having a mobile rig. We now
read that Michigan is close to passing a law requiring police permission
to carry mobile radio gear, with a proposed penalty of a year in jail
for violation. I also seem to recall something about a county in NY
having recently issued a rule against mobile operating.
Are these connected? Has the possession / use of mobile radio equipment
been targeted for repression, in a similar manner as the possession of
I don't like the trend I've been seeing in the U. S. The place is
rapidly becoming less and less "free". Liberties I have taken for
granted all my life are being chipped away, state by state.
I suppose the problem is that the possession of mobile radio equipment
(like the possession of firearms) gives a person some "power" of which
the government is afraid. It is indeed unfortunate that the people are
now so feared and mistrusted by their own government.
I don't have the answers, but I am alarmed. I think we all need to wake
up to what is happening in the land of the free and the home of the
brave. It's not pretty.