Looking for antenna info
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December 12th 03, 06:10 PM
William Mutch
Posts: n/a
In article Ru5Cb.87680$_M.457909@attbi_s54,
So I've got an old Allied SX-190 reciever I've had in storage for years,
lately I've been itching to get it set up somewhere in the house but I need
some ideas on a decent antenna.
If the RCVR has been in storage for a long time see if you can get
hold of a two amp variac and bring it up to line voltage over the course
of a few seconds rather than turning it on instantly from cold.
I was thinking of stretching a wire across
the attic, or perhaps under the eve in back of the house, either way it
needs to be inexpensive and relatively hidden. If I do that what sort of
coax should I use to connect to the radio? I have a lot of electronics
experience but I'm relatively new to the shortwave scene. Thanks.
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