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Old December 13th 03, 03:37 AM
Tom Holden
Posts: n/a

Rick Andrews wrote:
One of the parts listed is a ".047 æF" cap, and although
my electronics knowledge is decent, one of the holes in
it is what the "æ" represents. (Yeah, I know uF is
microfarad, nF is nanofarad, pF is picofarad, etc. Just
never ran across something with the æ before.)
From what I scraped together with Google, it's the same
as a 47 pF. Thought I'd check with experts to be sure,

I suspect that it's a font confusion and represents microfarad. We substitute the Greek character "mu" that stands for "micro" with "u" in the Latin alphabet when the character set does not support the correct representation of "mu". "MicroFarad" should look like this, "mF", if the font is preserved in this message. I have no explanation why it would come out as "æ".
