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Old December 13th 03, 11:53 AM
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Jack wrote:

Do you mean those "converters" that shifted shortwave bands down to
the 550-1600KC range so you could listen with your car radio? I
havent seen one of those since the 70's, but they might still be

hehehe... Makes me recall back to the early 70's when I made a
bracket to fit my Radio Shack DX-160 under the dash of the 1967 Ford
Fairlane my mom gave me upon entering college. Most of my friends
were either CB'ers or early computer freaks (PDP stuph!), and they
were pretty impressed. I did it mainly so I could listen to Radio
Nederlands and R. Australia while I commuted between home and school.

What did you use for an antenna with the DX-160? Did you listen to RA on
9580 in the morning?

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