Hello to all,
There are three shortwave converters that I am aware of. One is in kit
form from Vectronics, model VEC 101k, and sells for $27.95
Another one is from MFJ and sells for $89.95. The MFJ is assembled and
ready to go. I do not recall the model number of the MFJ but it surely
is available on its website.
I built the Vectronics converter and it works really well. I do not
have experience with the MFJ.
The third on is from Ramsey, and is also in kit form. I built this one
too, and although is works I do not recommend this unless you live in
a warm weather climate with constant temeratures. This converter
wanders all over the spectrum in frequency. It has no real effectice
voltage regulation, and there seems to be large shifts in frequency
with changing engine speeds.
I did use the Ramsey indoors and it worked really well, so if you are
looking to convert your home stereo to shortwave, this will probably
do the job for you nicely.
Any of these converters can be built on a perf board for less than $10
so you may want to consider that also. Plans are on the net in various
There is another converter I have seen advertised on the net for
around $150. Too far out of my price range and I don't see it as being
worth the price.
Hope this is of some help.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all