I _did_ have both at one time. I still have an SW77 but I sold the R75 and
bought a Drake R8B. The SW77 is fairly sensitive and its' SSB performance
is adequate, but the R75 is probably better in that area. But for broadcast
listening and general SW usage, the SW77 wins out primarily because it has a
sych detector that actually works (the 2 filters aren't bad either). I had
Kiwa mod the synch detector on my R75 and, athough it helped a little bit,
the improvement was marginal at best. The internal speaker on the R75
leaves much to be desired. I never really used it much with an external
speaker. The SW77 sound quality isn't all that great either, even with some
external speakers. At least it has bass/treble controls that helps
If I had to choose between the two again, I'd go with the SW77 by a hair,
but that's because I'm more of a broadcast listener than a DXer/ham
listener. BTW, I was very impressed with the build quality of the R75. I
don't think you'll really go wrong with either rig.
"Sara" wrote in message
I am considering the Icom R75 and Sony SW77. I like to listen to hams
and shortwave broadcasts. I will only be using the radio at home. I
currently have the Sony 7600GR. Tuning hams is too tedious with the
7600GR. Can anyone compare the R75 and SW77? Great group!