Good guess, Stinger. Wrong, but a good guess anyway. I hadn't even thought
of that. I ran Ad aware and Spybot but they both said I was clean. Still
working on it though. This has me baffled...
"Stinger" wrote in message
That sounds a LOT like the behavior caused by spyware. Very likely,
an advertising pop-up timing out, which is derailing the whole process of
loading your page.
Spyware is specialized software that unscrupulous advertisers launch on
computer. Usually, it tracks your browsing and "phones home" so they can
target specialized ads at you, based on the information they collect about
your interests. The worst spyware actually downloads ads to your computer
and will show them to you periodically, sometimes even if you're not on
Depending upon your browser settings, you could download the spyware from
something as simple as a malicious ActiveX script embedded in a web page,
however it is usually found bundled with "free" software like "Download
Accelerator" or various games.
The good news is that it's easy to find out if your computer has spyware.
A program called "Ad Aware" from Lavasoft is probably the best. A free
version (with no spyware!) is available he
When you run it, it will search your files and registry for any keys to
known spyware and list them for you. You can then tell it to rid your
system of the spyware. It will create an "undo" file, then purge the
-- Stinger
"Jim Hackett" wrote in message
I'm finding that my XP machine, that I use 99.9% of the time, keeps
"page not found" errors.
When I log on with my Linux machine, it's fine. Obviously my end...
"Diverd4777" wrote in message
In article t, "Jim
Is there a problem with the Yahoo groups tonight, or is it on my
- what problem(s)
- try rebooting & waiting 60 seconds then firing it up again