N8KDV wrote:
Just as an aside, has anyone looked at this young ladies last name, and
perhaps considered this to be some sort of put-on?
Sure. But the question was perfectly legitimate, and I chose to
answer it as an "in-good-faith" question. Maybe it is a put-on, and I'm
the buffoon of the day for falling for it. But no harm done. I
couldn't see giving it the "ivory tower" approach, as it is entirely
possible that is her real name, or at least her chosen screen name, and
*still* a legitimate question at that.
Sara wrote:
I am considering the Icom R75 and Sony SW77. I like to listen to hams
and shortwave broadcasts. I will only be using the radio at home. I
currently have the Sony 7600GR. Tuning hams is too tedious with the
7600GR. Can anyone compare the R75 and SW77? Great group!
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