Colorado Springs SW/DX group
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December 19th 03, 02:28 AM
Posts: n/a
Eric Williams wrote:
I use an MFJ959b tuner for antenna/receiver matching which provides a
2+ S-unit improvement, and occasional amplification.. Also I power
the receiver from a battery charged by a solar panel.
This combination works well for me. Good luck!
Hiya Bruce,
Well, no more SW money for me until well after xmas :-) but thanks for
the tips. The rig I have now worked so well back east, I guess I was
naive to think that it would be as good out here.
I'm not sure if I'll spend the extra dough or just keep my Grundig S350
for the occasional BC listen (and sell the 398).
At any rate, I DID notice that during the summertime the reception was
really good, but once the winter set in, it's total crap. Do you notice
the same (better reception in summer)?
Eric W.
The sun began acting up in the late fall. It's beginning to get back to
normal now.
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