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  #7   Report Post  
Old December 21st 03, 03:22 AM
Posts: n/a

Yeah, things have been quieter in New Zealand than usual. It's summer here
and we can usually here tons of US and South American and Australian CB DX.
But only on the odd day lately.

Maybe the ionosphere has been discontinued, due to lack of funding?


"Rob R." wrote in message
Anybody else experiencing absolutely awful reception conditions the past
couple nights? I'm in Oregon and stations I normally pick up loud and

I can barely hear or not hear at all. Just a lot of white noise on all the
bands...especially at 0200-0400 hours, when reception should be the best.
I'm using two radios (Sony 2010 and Sony 7600GR) and get the same results
with either. I live near several huge TV/radio towers and wonder if

done something to start affecting my shortwave signals...first time its
happened. Thanks for any input...
Rob R