Shortwave through a Stereo
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December 22nd 03, 09:12 AM
Mark Keith
Posts: n/a
(J. Tozzo) wrote in message . com...
I hooked up a DJ mixer to my stereo yesterday so i could listen to
vinyl & cds on it. I plugged my ICOM R75 into one of the unused
channels (via LINE OUT) and brought it up & it sounds great! (in that
shortwavy noisy way) It seems like both the audio frequency response &
dynamic range are greatly increased compared to headphones(good sonys)
and especially the internal speaker. The stereo is a Technics SU-V26
& Cerwin Vega E310's if that matters to anyone. So if your radio is
near your stereo give it a go. Now i need a good recorder (& the other
turntable). I cant wait to hear some good music on the pirate
stations.... we'll see tonight hopefully. ok folks bye
-Justin keepin it cloudy in SW
Can help plenty with the dinky speakers most radios have these days. I
run my IC-706mk2g into my puter sound card. From there I run it to a
kenwood integrated audio amp. That goes to two speakers normally.
Makes my little 706 sound like a big radio. Going through the puter
gives me initial volume and tone control. Also DSP, and all the other
stuff like SSTV, and the digi modes, spectrum analysers, etc..I can
also easily record using the puter. I have a program that will even
cut it off and on with squelch operation. Good for scanning obscure
VHF/UHF, etc..And the audio quality is the same as what I hear
originally. Being it's all direct, there is little degradation of the
audio on playback. If I use a high sample rate, it's dang near
The kenwood amp has some EQ built in, and also loudness. In
comparison, the little dinky speaker in the icom sounds like a fart
BTW, speaking of manly SW and MW audio...I still hope to get my old
1948 RCA Victor console fired up B4 too long. I think I have it all
working, but the speaker output tranny is fried. Gotta get another
one, and I think it will be working...That thing has a dual 6v6 audio
amp and a 12 inch speaker. Covers MW and some SW bands. Should sound
fairly robust compared to many of these modern boxes with 3-4 inch
speakers. Those old radios are pretty wide too as far as bandwidth.
Should have pretty good audio quality for AM. Might even end up being
preferable to my old trusty zenith TO. The RCA has a bigger badder MW
loop than the TO also..
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