My Dx-398 sounds a lot better through my set of Sony powered speakers(intended
for a walkman cd player).
I can imagine a good hi-fi stereo would be even better.
Have run a succession of shortwave rigs through various hi-fi units for
over three decades! Yaesu's FRG-7 is the Marantz of solid-state units,
emulating that auld Hammarlund thermionic tone! Really excels on those
Wednesday evening A.M.I. Net broadcasts on 3.870 mhz! Great for Lucky
"Planet" via Radio Australia also; as well as Auntie Beeb's musical
presentations! An audio-modded ICOM R-75 produces a nice fat midrange which
sounds luxurious during sports broadcasts! Sony's 2010, through a decent
microphone pre-amp, has a scintilatin' retro-vibe as well !
The Drake-R8B audio would be a Harmon-Kardon vacuum tube model. :-)
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