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  #9   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 12:58 AM
Posts: n/a

And also, tune between 50.060 and 50.080-- EVEN IF you cant copy cw (this
is the beacon area of 6)
Note frequencies of ANY heard when band NOT open-- IF you hear anything on a
frequency NOT noted,
(unless someone locally has placed a new one on air) Odds are that it is DX
!! that what they there for
to let you know when 6 is open! tho helps is can copy cw, gives you idea
WHERE band open to!
Jim NN7K

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" People who never get carried away, should be! " --- Malcom Forbes

"Tam/WB2TT" wrote in message

"Shadow 998" wrote in message

This is my first attempt at 6 meters and have not made a single contact

the band since getting my license last year. This year will also be my
first field day which is why I built this beam. Now to figure out if

has a F/B ratio, forward gain, etc.

Your best bet is to listen from about 50.100 to 50.200 on SSB. Calling
frequency is 50.125. East cost was working the West coast earlier today. I
assume the beam is horizontally polarized. Good luck on 6.

Tam/WB2TT FN20