I'm working on CW and can copy a little if it is sloowww. Anyway, the band
opened up this afternoon, and I made my very first DX contact with a QSO
with K7BTZ. He was QRP at 2 watts! I was running in the 50-watt range.
" wrote in
message ...
And also, tune between 50.060 and 50.080-- EVEN IF you cant copy cw (this
is the beacon area of 6)
Note frequencies of ANY heard when band NOT open-- IF you hear anything on
frequency NOT noted,
(unless someone locally has placed a new one on air) Odds are that it is
!! that what they there for
to let you know when 6 is open! tho helps is can copy cw, gives you idea
WHERE band open to!
Jim NN7K
No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large
of electrons were terribly inconvenienced !
" People who never get carried away, should be! " --- Malcom Forbes
"Tam/WB2TT" wrote in message
"Shadow 998" wrote in message
This is my first attempt at 6 meters and have not made a single
the band since getting my license last year. This year will also be
first field day which is why I built this beam. Now to figure out if
has a F/B ratio, forward gain, etc.
Your best bet is to listen from about 50.100 to 50.200 on SSB. Calling
frequency is 50.125. East cost was working the West coast earlier today.
assume the beam is horizontally polarized. Good luck on 6.
Tam/WB2TT FN20