Right Wing Patriots or Left Wing Nuts?
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December 30th 03, 12:26 PM
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Right Wing Patriots or Left Wing Nuts?
In article ,
Holy crap! The way The Liberty Net, The North East Regional Patriot (Militia)
Net, Alex Jones and Joyce & Dave are off on this CONTINUOS, NEVER ENDING Bush-
bashing, you would think they are diehard Democrats! Even the rhetoric sounds
exactly like Dean, Kerry, Clinton or Jesse!
Are you sure these guys are "right wing"? Sure don't act/sound/reason like
conservatives to me! *Peter
They think the Dems and Reps are basically way way left, so far from
what they believe that it doesn't matter. I can't listen due to work
anymore (radio wont work in building), and I'm wondering if any of the
brain trusts has claimed that Bush will declare martial law and declare
himself emperor before the next election. A couple of them claimed
Clinton was going to do this before the 2000 election. Pretty much
everything is a conspiracy, most folks are "sheeple", and the Chinese
(??) are getting ready to invade or something. My favorite claims are
that there are 100,000 white boxcars waiting to take "christians" to the
already built concentration camps. Where are the camps? And since
100,000 boxcars floating around would totally paralyze the entire rail
system, it's pretty much impossible for them to exist. A fifth of that
100,000 nearly brought the system to a halt and they were supposed to be
And they seem extremely interested in Hillary Clinton for some reason,
and still blame Bill Clinton for "everything".
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