Thread: Sony ICFM33RDS
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Old December 30th 03, 02:37 PM
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"Richard" wrote in message
I'm not sure if this is the proper group to get feedback on radios that do
not cover shortwave. If not, perhaps someone can direct me to a more
suitable newsgroup or Yahoo group.

I am thinking about getting the ICFM33RDS FM/MW/LW digital radio. Costs
about £35 in UK. Does anyone know whether this radio is a good buy or
whether for roughly the same price there is a better one. I've not come
acxross any reviews on the net.

Anyone know if it has decent sensitivity, and reasonably good audio from



Gets mentioned he

Problem with ghost stations on FM apparantly.

Does not seem a brilliant radio. :c(

Also gets mentioned he

"I wouldn't recommend my ICF-M33RDS unless you just want Medium Wave (great
on MW - pulls Arrow Classic Rock in during the daytime."

Oh dear, I think I'm getting bad vibes about the ICF-M33RDS, on FM band that
is. Might need to consider another radio.