I wonder if the faster you crank it the farther it will pull in signals?
- Now this concept can lead one into a myrad possibilities;
- say you're out in the woods in a tent, and you crank it slowly & pick up a
few shortwave stations;
then increase the speed of cranking and pick up low powered, very distant
stations broadcasting on the same frequency.
Now what if, in cranking it faster, it started picking up Frequencies higher up
the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
So, your in the dark, and REALLY Crank it up;
- would the radio waves coalesce into Visible light coming out of the speaker,
like some wavering blue light..?
- and where do Gravity waves come into play ? If the cranking speed increases
sufficienty, will local geographic features start migratinig towards your
Will your campsite become a funnel shaped affair, with the land plasticizing,
& flowing toward you ?
- Maybe thats why they say only crank it for a few minutes,
these are radios that can disturb the basic fabric of the Universe..!
In article ,
(www.activesignals.com) writes: