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Old December 31st 03, 04:14 AM
David Mills
Posts: n/a
Default short wave Reception report Lots of stations received!


In the even anyone is interested I thought I would share what I have
been able to pull in with my Grundig YB 300 radio. keep in mind that I live
in the state of New Hampshire in the United States!

Just since Christmas I have been able to listen to:

Voice of America
the BBC
Radio France International
Radio Switzerland International
The Netherlands
the voice of Vietnam (yes Vietnam!!!)
Radio Canada International
Japan (not sure about this one though)

And then there of course are the domestic evangelical type stations that I
just cruise on by...!!!!

I have heard the above stations in English, French, german, and spanish.
Other languages are probably heard as well.but at least I can identify

All of the above has been hear with out the use of an external antenna..i
have just used the atenna that comes with the radio!!

In most instances the reception has been clear at least for a while.
Eventually after say 15 -30 minutes I start getting some interference. And
of course sometimes they just stop broadcasting or even move on to another

I have heard far away places like Vietnam and china and Japan at times
clearer than closer places like France or BBC. Hmmm.

Now.. personally...I think this is pretty darned good!! I am personally
quite satisfied with this radio.

I wonder..what would be the advantage of a radio costing a couple hundred
more? I mean.. in terms of what one could get and how well?