Interesting how the far right and the far left are starting to take the same
Uh huh. G I would think, though, that extreme conservative and extreme
liberal would be the appropriate terms. I believe far right is fascism and far
left is communism.
1. The US might be approaching a paradigm shift that could drastically
impact the traditional 2-party balance.
Hmm... The two "parties" are branches of the same party. A "centrist" position
is like the peak of a bell curve, which shifts the center according to the left
or right shift of either or both extremes. Those two "parties" are both for big
2. Prediction: A smart populist politician will someday attempt to unite the
far left and far right.
The key word is "attempt." And then he or she will commit "suicide" with three
gun shots to the head.
There will never be a third party as long as the electoral college exists.
A new sock puppet in the White House won't change much of anything. What is
needed is a replacement of nearly everyone, elected and appointed, inside the
Beltway. And get rid of lobbyists who make contributions.
My choice for 2004 is Ron Paul (R) for President and Dennis Kucinich (D) as
Paul's running mate. A split ticket party. G
As a "commercial" for this newsgroup, what I've been commenting on is related
to topics broadcast on shortwave radio. G
Bill, K5BY