"Larry Ozarow" wrote in message
R.F. Collins wrote:
If you scroll down on the first link, there is a section on portables.
The Panasonic is no longer made. The Yacht Boy 400 is still in
production and the Satellit 700 is now the 800 but these should give
you idea as to who manufactures the best FM portable.
Are you trying to say there's some connection between the Satellit 700
and the 800, or just that the 800 is a good FM DX portable, in the same
league as the 700? The radios are of course unrelated. I don't know
anything about the 800 except what I read on the net, and I don't recall
having read anything extreme one way or the other about its performance
on FM, but the 700 is one great FM radio.
I've put narrower IF filters in my Sat 800 and the result is quite
impressive on FM. Good sensitivity with the whip antenna, handles a larger
antenna well (actually better than most radios I've tried on FM). Definately
worth considering for FM DX if you limit yourself to radios actully in