I think that I have solution for your question, exactly what you ask, Home
brew Resistive Return Loss....SWR Bridge. The article was written by the
S53MV in Slevenian and Croatian language, so some translation should be done
for you (or you prefer to learn Slavic language HI). The bridge is capable
to measure up to 2.5Ghz without any problem, cheap design and awailable
material for building, can be done in one afternoon.
Well, I think that just shematic and most important the gama/swr/ar/a table
is what you need and the rest you will figure out without any problem.
Ok, I will scan for you just one page and if you are intereste the rest can
be done as well.
Meantime, check this page, almost the same design but with SMD components:
"Harold E. Johnson" wrote in message

Take a look at:
for a description of the VNA - Virtual Network Analyzer.
That's a VECTOR Network Analyzer, and it's not 2 meter compliant without
narrow band up/down converters and accompanying filters.