chuck wrote:
i listened to a radio station from ecuador on 3810 khz at 09:01 utc on
i know it broadcasts standard time intervals like wwv in fort collins, i
have found an address
what i was wondering is if anyone knows if it broadcasts 24 hours a day or
just select days and times?
i have not been able to hear it since.
the signal was fairly weak but stable.
i'm going to send a reception report and see what happens.
That of course is HD2IOA. Here is the schedule I have, which may or may not be
accurate. I can generally hear them here prior to 1200 on 3810.
0000-1200 1510 3810
1200-1300 1510 5000
1300-2400 1510 7600
I've written many times for a QSL, but have always come up empty handed. Let
us know how you fare.
Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B