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Old January 5th 04, 05:11 AM
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Ken Thomas wrote in message . ..
Just wondering if buying a used radio is better after Christmas
because people either got one as a gift or maybe don't have too much
more money to spend. Anyone out there that's been buying/selling
radios for awhile know when the best time to buy is? Is there a best
time to buy a radio? Or if it's a good unit maybe it's just worth a
particular amount of money no matter when it's sold.

I don't know if there is a best time, calendar - wise. But one good
rule of thumb when shopping on ebay is to look for an auction that
ends at an odd hour, like very late at night into the wee hours of the
morning, or during weekday working hours. These are rare, as most
sellers have the sense to time their auctions to end in prime time.
But I was able to get a Sangean ATS-909 for about $60 less than the
going rate by winning an auction that ended at 10AM on a weekday. So
it is possible.