Ken Thomas wrote in message . ..
Just wondering if buying a used radio is better after Christmas
because people either got one as a gift or maybe don't have too much
more money to spend. Anyone out there that's been buying/selling
radios for awhile know when the best time to buy is? Is there a best
time to buy a radio? Or if it's a good unit maybe it's just worth a
particular amount of money no matter when it's sold.
I have been selling on eBay for a few years now and find that AFTER
Christmas prices tend to go UP because there is a whole NEW GROUP of
people on the internet who seem to have no idea what the same items
had been selling for previously. However, the MAIN event I find that
causes prices to be low or high is the economy. Another point - I can
list an item for seven days and get NO bids at all, then relist the
same item at the same price and sell it at a HIGHER PRICE with someone
using the BUY IT NOW feature. That has happened to me several times.
So it just depends WHO is looking at the auctions when you list them,
or are watching them.