Do "Pre-Owned" radios get cheaper on EBAY after Christmas?
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January 6th 04, 03:04 AM
Ken Thomas
Posts: n/a
Just curious about it because I saw a used 2010 (excellent condition)
go for $406 on Christmas Eve. And a few weeks before a "new" Grundig
700 went for a $1000. Well after the holidays the 700's are now
getting $450 and the 2010's in great condition are near $300 or less.
Oh well, so it's not the timing. I'll figure it out someday. Guess
the 900 coming out may affect things though.
On 5 Jan 2004 16:14:50 -0800,
(Mike Maghakian)
it seems like the past few weeks in general have been full of foolish
buyers. I have seen DX-302's go for above $200 and right now a Kenwood
R-600 is above $200. I could give more examples but the point has been
Ken Thomas wrote in message . ..
Just wondering if buying a used radio is better after Christmas
because people either got one as a gift or maybe don't have too much
more money to spend. Anyone out there that's been buying/selling
radios for awhile know when the best time to buy is? Is there a best
time to buy a radio? Or if it's a good unit maybe it's just worth a
particular amount of money no matter when it's sold.
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