Mike Maghakian ) writes:
it seems like the past few weeks in general have been full of foolish
buyers. I have seen DX-302's go for above $200 and right now a Kenwood
R-600 is above $200. I could give more examples but the point has been
So maybe that's the Christmas money coming into play? Grandma sends money
for Christmas, so the recipients rush out to buy that shortwave radio
on Ebay?
Next thing you know, people will be able to buy Ebay "gift cards".
Ken Thomas wrote in message . ..
Just wondering if buying a used radio is better after Christmas
because people either got one as a gift or maybe don't have too much
more money to spend. Anyone out there that's been buying/selling
radios for awhile know when the best time to buy is? Is there a best
time to buy a radio? Or if it's a good unit maybe it's just worth a
particular amount of money no matter when it's sold.