In article , diverd4777 says...
S-5 S- 7 here on the east coast
Almost as clear as a local / regional AM Station
- Check it out !
In Ohio, on my R71a sitting on the kitchen table with a 10' hunk of wire
shoved into the center of the SO-239, without the preamp, it was 30 over
on 9580, with it, it was pegged out. I haven't seen signal strength like
that for a long time. I went into the other room and put the 515 on
11.175 USB, and the base (Just went out of my head, can't remember where
it was at, as soon as I hit send, it will come back) was 60 over on my
sloper, and the attic dipole, AND the short dipole too! I could hear all
kinds of planes talking in the background. If I ran the volume up, they
were all totally copiable, but when one of the strong ones keyed up, it
bloew my head off.
It's really strong everywhere I tried today, must be the cold temp and
snow cover. It sure is quiet too...
Too bad it's not like this in the summer..