Pete KE9OA wrote:
starman wrote in message
Have you heard anything about how this receiver will be marketed? Is
there a distributor on board?
We may market this unit ourselves. I contacted both Universal and
Grove, and the responses from both of them were lukewarm. I am the new kid
on the block, so they don't know anything about me, so I can't really blame
them for their lack of interest. I don't think that we will need anybody for
a distribution network, but who knows? Our company is doing a good job
selling out current products through our website.
Anyway, if any of you have the XM Satellite receivers, they are using the
AD607s, so you can get an idea of the recovered audio quality. I did some
listening to the detector last night, and where the envelope detector was
clearly exhibiting distortion on faded signals, the sync detector maintained
clean audio quality almost all the way down into the noise level. Once the
signal almost completely faded out, there was some distortion, but it was
very minimal. The AD607 recovers is less than 20uSec, so settling time is
not an issue. I still would like to eliminate the slight modulation I am
seeing on the limited signal; once this is done, I will be able to narrow
the loop bandwidth. If it is too narrow, the system will go out of lock on
modulation peaks.
Right now, I have the loop bandwidth set at 58kHz, and the system is super
clean. Still needs some work, but I am very close.
I'm starting to get enthusiastic about the possibility of your sync'
detector being available as an outboard unit, maybe as a kit too. It
would be nice to have a more reasonably priced one than the
Sherwood-SE3. Hope you can sell the idea to your boss.
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