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Old June 23rd 04, 10:46 PM
Steve Nosko
Posts: n/a

"Bob Wood" wrote in message
Thanks for the comments Mark. I do appreciate your taking time to give me
some advice. I only have a limited space around my home so can't put up a
one wave per side. ...I saw an article somewhere that
indicated a V Beam 3/4 wave on a side would provide 3 dB gain over a

in one direction.

While, classically, V beams have longer sides, I do know that a 3/4
vertical W/ground plane has a major lobe about 50 degrees above the horizon.
There was an antenna described by Inagaki (sp) some years back using this
characteristic to advantage with a corner reflector to obtain something like
18 dB gain and a nice 50 ohm Z. It also had a considerable minor lobe at
the horizon - obviously the main lobe remnant from "when it was a 1/4 wave",
so to speak.

If this can be generalized to a configuration where the "ground plane half"
of the antenna is supplied by another 3/4 wave element, then the V angle
would be about 100 degrees to get the two lobes to coincide. Modeling with
EZNEC should be easy...then there's the "how high is it" issue.

73, Steve