* Media Network Weblog
Latest media news and musings from Radio Netherlands (RN)
- The Dutch International Service. Please credit items to
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fyi ~ RHF
= = = "Mike Terry"
= = = wrote in message ...
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Eton Corp, which builds and sells radios in North America under the brand
name of Grundig, is to launch a new multi-purpose satellite radio - the Eton
EM1 XM. As well as AM/FM and XM Satellite Radio, it can also receive
shortwave broadcasts, making it a true world band receiver. The radio has
been developed in collaboration with RL Drake Company. Pricing and
availability have not yet been announced, but a photo and basic details are
available on the company's Web site.
# posted by Andy Sennitt @ 12:49 UTC