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Old January 16th 04, 11:28 PM
Jim Douglas
Posts: n/a

BTW Cliff I envy your shack on the Bayou! It looks like the type of place I
would love to retire to. How is the temp during the summer with humidity and

"Cliff at the Shack" wrote in message
Heard at the Shack on the Bayou in southeast Texas:

0640, January 16, 2004 UTC

Beacon TRY on about 261 kHz

Does anybody have information on this one?

I had to copy it under LB on 263 (Lake Jackson, TX), but I'm pretty sure
that's the right ID.

It's not on Airnav or other sources.

A Google search for "NDB TRY" or "beacon TRY" produces trillions of
non-useful results since "try" is a word.

Registered Monitor BR549
The Shack on the Bayou

Drake R8, Sony ICF-SW100, Heathkit GR-64 (retired)
Realistic Pro-2006, Bearcat BC-245XLT