Question about types of speakers for shortwave.
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January 18th 04, 09:32 PM
Posts: n/a
These are nice Swiss Army amplified speakers. They make any radio
sound like a 1960 Grundig. type=store
On 18 Jan 2004 18:43:37 GMT,
(Dxluver) wrote:
I've been thinking about removing some speakers stacks I use. One I used for
the 140X and the other for the 129X, at first I really liked the sound. But
since I picked up a pair of some discontinued Radio Shack Amplified Speakers
(cat#40-1361) last summer at a garage sale for like ten dollars, I've kind of
been thinking about asking the group it's opinion and what it is they use or
what would they do if they were me? **No smart a** comments** ;-)
Those amplified ones are hooked to the DX394, actually I stopped listening to
that piece becasue of the sound, I tried my stacks that are hooked to my
Hammarlunds, but that didn't do it. Tried other combos and that stock speaker
absolutely is a crime that they even put it in there, really. But these
amplified ones take four c batteries and are 'extremely' heavy for two
speakers, I couldn't believe it, I felt like I stole them from that woman.
But it has made the 394 "come back to life." :-)
But between those and switching speakers on my scanner (BC9000XLT).....I used
to use the stock but it sucks plus the way I have it configured I had to use an
extension speaker. I went with the Rat Shack external speaker, I figured it
was good enough. But the other day I was cleaning out the closet in the radio
room ( I highly recommend it to everyone) I found stuff I forgot I even had
and actually some things that I don't remember where or who I got them from.
But I came up on a pair of *Aiwa* speakers that were used 'stock' ---pretty
sure in an Ford Taurus. I did a little cutting and soldering and baddabing, I
now have that one speaker hooked to the 9000 and WOW what a difference. On the
back of the speaker it says 40w with an 8 impedance. But I'm gonna keep that
Should I use the other one for one of my Hammarlunds? I KNOW there is more
than enough in one of those HQ's to drive one of those Aiwas, or would it
sound like sh*t? I just think that the speaker/speakers I have now run into
the Hammarlunds are too much and not really getting to *drive* them to their
full potential.
I'm no audiophile, and I know there is a few in here so I bow to the *sound
Gods* on this one. Like on Steve's setup with his Drake, I saw his modest
speaker. What about you Brian? You have some boatanchors like I do.
Shouldn't I go smaller and get the most out of the speaker or a lot of speaker
without it reaching it's potential.
**Sorry for the longer than usual post, looking forward to many replies.
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