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Old January 19th 04, 01:26 AM
Posts: n/a


1. What your are describing is a 'passive' Shortwave Band Pass Filter
with a Low Point of 1.6 MHz and a High Point of 30 MHz.
Works like both a Low Pass Filter and a High Pass Filter.

* Low Pass Filter - Would simply Pass Signals Below 30 MHz for
the Shortwave and AM/MW Bands.
(Eliminating the TV & FM and above type RFI/EMF interference.)

* High Pass Filter - Would simply Pass Signals ABOVE 1.6 MHz for
the Shortwave Bands.
(Eliminating the AM/MW Band and below type RFI/EMF interference.)

Now to Answer Your Question - YES.

PLUS: You should try to Identify and Eliminate any local sources
of RFI/EMF that you can to reduce the Load on your Filter and Help
to Improve the Overall Signal to Noise RF Environment.

2. Here is a Reading List related to RFI/EMF Noise Reduction:

* A Perspective on RFI "Noise" = And How To Find It !

* Finding Solutions for BCB Interference Problems on Shortwave Bands

* How Do I Reduce/Eliminate TV Interference on Shortwave ?

* RFI/EMF Suppression, Reduction and Avoidance

* Grounds & Grounding = Five Topics for your Consideration

iane ~ RHF
= = = bob2
= = = wrote in message .. .

Would a passive Low pass filter (1.6 to 30 Mhz),
inline with the radio's antenna,
help to reduce RF noise?
