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Old January 21st 04, 06:46 PM
Posts: n/a

Sounds like Paradise Burr;

16 degrees when I awoke, with 15 + MPH Wind...
- Not fit out for man nor beast. !

- So, I got all bundled up & took a walk out in the park.
Tried out some new
" Crampon" - type non-slip , good on Ice & Snow things,

YakTrax Walkers ( )

These cost $20 and are quite servicable. Highly recommended for just getting
around on the ice.
Went all over the snow, packed snow, and glaciers of ice from busted
water maines, didn't even come close to slipping.
The park was quite pretty, with all the frozen icicles, rocks, dark shadows &
blueish snow.

Walked up hill & Down dale ( Small hills, understand) on the ice,
trying out my new winter gear..

Did see a few sparrows & a Sea Gull or two, but Not a Hummingbird in Site !

Springs a ways away 'round here...


-In article .net, Burr

Beautiful Day over Here,
Today is what postcards are made of. I sat at the breakfast table
looking out over snow covered hills and mountains with the frost melting
and dripping off my roof pass the window. The sky is as clear as it
could every be, its 45 degrees and warming fast. As I ate, the
hummingbirds were feeding 18 inches from my plate at their feeder,
rabbits were feeding in the yard and the cat from across the street is
crawling in for breakfast also.