"Richard Clark" wrote in message
On 29 Jun 2004 11:30:01 -0700, (RHF)
wrote:............................................ ..............
So why are you posting to an amateur group? Why an antenna group?
You would be better served through your self-imposed limitations by
staying out of the fast lane.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC, WPE0EPH
p.s. if the WPE0EPH is unknown to you, it denotes my having been a
Shortwave listener for 40 years and registered with the Popular
Electronics DX club (as well as a sack full of others from around the
Probably to a lot of people a radio or electronic hobbyist is an "amateur".
Impression I get is that some CBers think so also. From looking at old
literature, the search for the holy grail of a noise free antenna, seems to
back to around T=0. It would help, if the manufacturers of SWL receivers
would add noise blankers in sub $500 radios. I did not see any in the AES
catalog below that price that claimed to have a noise blanker. I won't even
delve on IF filter shape factor.
ps. I can beat your 40 years by about 10.