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Old January 27th 04, 03:38 PM
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There you go "MWB" Again Reading Into Things...
- Some Point or Fact and Weirdifying It - Or Absurderizing It
- Twisting and Spinning It Into the "MWB" Warpped Factor !

Like a Political Convention with all the States, Territories,
and the District 'gathered' under their Signs and Banners.

I have a 'vision' of the "Michael Moore Brigade" right there in
the middle of things. An Right there in the 'middle' of them;
Standing on a Chair so he can be a Head and Shoulder above them
all is "MWB" Yelling "Burn Down The Tent of Lies and Set Us Free !"

MWB - Where You See Lies . . .
I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.

For I Have Faith and I Believe in America ~ RHF
= = = ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...

A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade was issued by "SkyWave":

" "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel" "

Why Thank You SkyWave - Yes I Am !

Hey, RHF, what's wrong with Michael Moore?

Nothing... But One Most recognize that 'michael moore' is "Michael
{ Michael Moore the person 'affects' a certain Personna as
"Michael Moore" the very "Out There" Public Figure. }

Isn't he part of Americana?

YES - That he Is - Big Time !

Isn't your tent big enough for him?

YES - If He Wish to Be Inside the Tent - But He has the Right To
Be Outside the Tent - Or, In-Fact Claim that there is No Tent.

Why do you want to silence Michael Moore?

MWB - Did I Say That - NO!
Why Do You Fabricate Lies about what others have said MWB ?
My Words were and A "A Trumpet Call from the Michael Moore Brigade
was issued by" NOTE: A Trumpet Call is a Call to Order; a Call to
Arms; an Anouncement of Importance (All Hail Ye). So I simply Bring
Forth the Name of "Michael Moore" and the word "Brigade" benotes that
He is not along but has a following. Thus I Give Full Recognition to
the Uniqueness of Michael Moore as Part of Americana. All Honor be

Now try hard to maintain a little philosophical consistency.....

MWB - It is simply when one speaks from ones Heart.

Why do you Republicans dress superiority up as love for all Americans?

MWB - Have I Every Claimed To Be Superior ?
I am just a common man and admittedly simple minded and guided by
the very basic fact that I Am An American [.]

If you can't see through the lies,

MWB - Where You See Lies . . .
I Must and Will Repeat Myself:
I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.

that doesn't make others unpatriotic.

MWB - Have I Call You Un-Patriotic - NO!

I simply state:
* I Am Love My Country
* I Am Proud to be an American
* I Do Believe in the Basic Goodness of Americans
And I call for: Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue !

MWB - Can I Not Be... Do I Not Have the Right To Be... Patriotic ?

And you're a very atypical Republican.

MWB - I Am Who I Am - I Remain Who I Am - Would You Change Me ?
If placing the 'label' "Republican" On Me fills some need within
you then so be it. Does using the Republican "Label" allow your
to Objectify Me and Consider Me "Less-than-a-Human-Being" MWB ?

MWB - The the Truth of Your Statement comes to the Harsh Light of

"And you're a very atypical Republican." {Political Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical African-American.' {Racial Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical Jewish-American.' {Religious Bias &

'And you're a very atypical Mexican-American.' {Ethnic Bias & Hatred}

'And you're a very atypical Woman.' {Sexual Bias & Hatred}

TBL: All Is Revealed MWB About Your Biases and Hatred.

Hatred Breeds Hatred
- An Hatred Is One Of The Great Destroyers of Societies.

Love Be Gets Love
- And Love Is One Of The Great Builders of Societies.

But... What Do I Know...
I Am Just a simple common everyday American Who Loves His Country.
Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF