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January 27th 04, 09:57 PM
Michael Bryant
Posts: n/a
There you go "MWB" Again Reading Into Things...
- Some Point or Fact and Weirdifying It - Or Absurderizing It
- Twisting and Spinning It Into the "MWB" Warpped Factor !
Actually, RHF, I was just MOCKING you by using your exact accusations right
back at you.
So, any weirifying must've been done first by you...
As usual, your inconsistencies, combined with you total lack of the ability to
apply any of your own standards to your own behavior, do you in.
I See Unfulfilled Promises and Hope for a Better Tomorrow.
Something that is Not Democrat or Republican: But the 'common'
Spirit and Faith of the American People. Building a Better
America through Actions born out of Understanding and Deeds
performed in the name of our common Humanity.
The fact that you see this as a reason to support George Bush is hilarious. I
want the exact same thing. But if you believe that George Bush is the path to
that vision you are severely self-deluded. Talk about spin... Are you a
political wannabee, RHF?
YES - If He Wish to Be Inside the Tent - But He has the Right To
Be Outside the Tent - Or, In-Fact Claim that there is No Tent.
Wonderful, why do you disparage me by condeming my actions, then?
TBL: All Is Revealed MWB About Your Biases and Hatred.
See, you say you don't condemn me and several lines later you do exactly that.
In my eyes that makes you look like a liar involved in a self-absorbed dance of
Blessed by God with Life and Progressive by Nature thru Living ~ RHF
Blessed be everything that RHF blesses. You must be dizzy from all that
self-righteous spinning!
Get a clue, Mr. Red-White&Blue!
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
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