My next questions
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January 29th 04, 05:15 AM
Posts: n/a
Did You Forget . . . MWB ? ? ?
What Are You Advoiding MWB ?
For the Third Time - Here are My Words:
[ Is there Not "Room" in Your America for a Cal Thomas, Paul Harvey
and others ? ]
A simple Yes or No will do. (No Long Answer with Qualifiers
and Points of Clarification is Required.) Just a Yes or a No.
Be Not Silent Now MWB... Let Us All Hear (Read) Your Yes or No.
MWB - Being the Man That You Are - Stand Up to this Juvenile:
Let Your 'yes' be a "YES" !
Let Your 'no' be a "NO" !
MWB - I Await Your One Word Reply ~ RHF
= = =
ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...
MWB - Did I 'in-fact' Say that You wanted to SILENCE Cal Thomas ? "NOT !"
Again... MWB, You Read too, Too. TOO ! Much Into What Is Written [.]
Here are My Words: [ Is there Not "Room" in Your America for
a Cal Thomas, Paul Harvey and others ? ]
I simply 'asked' You a Question MWB - Which You Have Never Answered [.]
Can You Simply Answer "The Question" MWB ?
I never said there wasn't room for anyone. You're the one's that's been
twisting words right from the beginning. You're the one that denigrates others
and, like a simpleton, tries to accuse the other of what you've just done.
Your juvenile games grow tiring.
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