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Old June 29th 04, 02:13 AM
Yuri Blanarovich
Posts: n/a

I am deeply saddened...
where is Freak, Freaktenna, Freaktennnna ?
Chip, Chirp, Chippy, Nate, Nate, Nathan, hot dogs ?
Looks to me like lack of prior art search :-(

Bada BUm

Who is Fractenna?

Total posts by Fractenna, 6560 in, containing the
following keywords or phrases, arranged by times used :

fractal antenna, 1140
Phil, 769
patent, 304
Fractal Antenna Systems (or FAS), 289
legal, 221
abuse, 171
copyright, 168
Fractal Antenna Reflector, 148
libel, 137
attack, 126
bogus, 125
fraud, 118
lies, 112
malicious. 112
harassment, 110
illegal, 92
lawsuit, 86
hate, 83
credibility, 75
Patent pending, 75
sue, 71
This thread is closed, 69
public notice, 65
lawyer, 63
warning, 63
My attorney, 62
Your attorney, 62
defamation, 58
defend, 58
threat, 58
fraudulent, 56
abusive, 50
counsel, 50
litigation, 48
threatening, 47
liar, 41
harassing, 39
patent Infringement, 38
destroy. 37
distortion, 31
criminal, 28
obsession, 27
Wakefield killer, 23
damages, 22
malign, 16
hatred, 15
pirating, 14
antisemitic, 13, 13
death threat, 10
retraction, 9
offenders, 3
legal counsel, 2