AAs vs. AAAs Batteries
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February 2nd 04, 01:46 PM
CAndersen (Kimba)
Posts: n/a
(N Deveau) wrote:
My understanding
is that they are 1.2 volts, does this make any difference to
radio operation?
The big difference between rechargeables and alkaline batteries is that as
soon as you start using alkalines, their voltage begins to drop.
Rechargeables stay pretty much at their initial voltage and then die
So even though rechargeables start out at a lower voltage, almost all
electronics are designed to operate over a range of voltages and the
performance with rechargeables is no different than it would be with a set
of alkalines at about the middle of their useful life.
But you'll get little warning about when the rechargeables are used up, so
you'll want to have a second set always ready.
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