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Old February 2nd 04, 03:03 PM
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Since we are expanding the Topic from "AA -=V=- AAA Batteries"
to other Battery Sizes.

The GE Superadios, the CCRadios and now the Grundig S350 /
Tecsun BCL-2000 all use a set of Four (4) of the larger "D"
Size Batteries. [ 4 x 1.5VDC = 6VDC Power Source ]

Some radio users report that a set of "D" Batteries in these
Radios "Lasts-for-Months" when these radios are used for about
Three (3) Hours Daily.

nbr ~ RHF
= = = No Batteries Required )
= = = "Mike W"
= = = wrote in message .. .
I have owned a DX-375, and one of the great things about it is that you
really don't need an AC adapter. The battery life is so good on these
radios with 2 Alkaline "C"'s , I wouldn't even bother with rechargeables.
On the other hand, most of the portables with AA's would be another story.

"N Deveau" wrote in message
I have a quick question. I have been thinking of getting
some rechargeable batteries and a charger. One thing I want
them for is my DX-375 which uses 2-c cells. My understanding
is that they are 1.2 volts, does this make any difference to
radio operation?


What are the tradeoffs when buying
radio gear that is powered by AAs
vs. AAAs batteries?

Both AAs and AAAs seem to be priced the

I have never bought a radio using AAAs,
but now I am very interest in buying a
Sony pocket radio that uses AAAs, so
I am thinking of making an exception
to my rule of never buying gear that
uses AAAs.

Tom Welch