Still testing this radio.The page system with SSB
only on page 9 leaves a little to be desired, but it has great
speaker sound, it's sensitive and selective... dual conversion.
Noticeable, but not terrible, hum when using the a/c adaptor and
included 220/110 converter.
It's plugged into the wall outlet, so I'll see if an RFI/EMI shielded
surge suppressor helps. Setup of 10k steps for MW and 24 hour clock
is done by taking out the batteries and reinserting them after the display goes
blank. Then pressing buttons in sequence.
Takes a little practice, but worked for me by following the instructions
in the English manual.
It looks very cool with the whole keypad lighted up in the dark.
The radiointel review is located here
The quality is very good. Nice looking, solid.
Small, but well built, and has SSB.
I would like to publically thank eBay seller Liypn for his great service
and product. I can't vouch for other radios, but the DE1102
is an excellent value.
The radio arrived from China 7 days after I got his notification
of having sent it. Liypn's eBay store is at
He has more Degen 1102s and some Tecsun PL-230s.
Shipping is $19 US, but the radio's cost offsets that, and
again... it arrived in seven days. It included a free
power converter also. I will purchase from him again.
Anyone who likes to play with new stuff and can afford the
~$69 (incl. shipping) should check out the DE1102 from Liypn.