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Old February 4th 04, 10:01 AM
Andy Bown
Posts: n/a


I own an SW7600GR and an FRG-100. As you're keen on utility listening
I have to say that the FRG-100 is far superior for this type of
listening when compared to the 7600GR. For programme listening the
SW7600GR does almost as good a job as the FRG-100, but on SSB and CW
there is no comparison. Not only are the dynamic range and overload
resistance much better, therefore allowing the use of better antennas,
but the tuning steps on the FRG-100 are 10 Hz on the Yaesu, whereas
the thumb wheel on the Sony is very fiddly in comparison. Also you
have adjustable offset and better filters.

I would really recommend the upgrade if you can afford it. Although
the Sony does well on SSB compared to most other travel portables, the
Yaesu is a true communications receiver. I'm sure you'd notice a big

