The Word is out that . .
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February 4th 04, 09:31 PM
Posts: n/a
READING TEST: Re-Read my 'original' Post "To name a few . . ."
My other Replys are inserted into the Text of your 'original' Message.
= = =
ojunk (Michael Bryant)
= = = wrote in message ...
'most' I don't think so. - "Many" Yes.
The American Isolationist Movement had many members:
- Henry Ford (The Auto Maker)
- Charles A. Lindberg (The American Hero)
- Joseph P. Kennedy (The Father of JFK)
To name a few . . .
OBTW: Lindbergh served as a Civilian Employee in the Pacific.
He still ended up Flying 50 Combat Missions and Shot Down a
Japanese Enemy Aircraft that had attacked him.
RHF, you knowledge of American history has already proven to be
questionable. Earlier this week you displayed a lack of knowledge
about US efforts to exterminate Native Americans.
YES - Thank You MWB for 'correcting' Me on that FACT.
{ May We All Live And Learn - amen, Amen. and AMEN ! }
MWB - Now I know better about your very personal family history.
MWB - I 'feel you inner pain' and have empathy for you MWB.
Now, you distort history by making it appear that there were
only three Americans that supported appeasement of Hitler prior
to Pearl Harbor. For shame, sir.
MWB - now, Now NOW ! - Did I Not Say: "To name a few . . ."
shame, Shame SHAME ! - MWB - The 'shame' Is On You.
Yes, FDR made sure that Lindbergh was sent to the Pacific arena,
since it was a widely known fact that Lindbergh had a second wife
and family in Germany.
MWB - What FDR's Motives were I Do Not Know.
( I Don't Read the Minds of the Dead. )
YES - It is true that Lindberg did have a 'second wife and
family in Germany" to use your words.
Joseph Kennedy was sacked as ambassador to the UK after he
suggested that England surrender to Germany.
YES - Old Man Kennedy did leave his post as ambassador and
return back to America prior to the USofA's entry into the War.
German-American friendship clubs existed in every state of the US.
There was so much political support in the US for Germany that
most historians concede that the US would've never gone to war
before Germany's ally, Japan, attacked Pearl Harbor. Remember,
the US didn't enter the war until well-after the Germans had
virtually bombed London to ashes.
MWB - Yes there were German-Ameican Friendship Clubs. After all
the largest percentage of Americans trace their Ancestory
back to Germany. And Amercans Do Love Their Beer
Indeed, a number of writers have suggested that FDR was aware
of Japan's intentions to attack Pearl Harbor, but chose to not
take any actions to prevent the massacre because he knew that
the attack was the only way to get US politicians to support
fighting Hitler.
MWB - YES - Historians and Writers have 'suggested' and offered
"Learned Opinions" as to FDR's knowledge and actions. But No One
Has Provided FACTS [.] - What FDR's Motives were I Do Not Know.
( I Don't Read the Minds of the Dead. )
RHF, get your facts right.
MWB - I 'hope' too - BUTT I Am Sure You Will Correct Me...
IF and When I Am Wrong. [ I would not change you MWB :]
ir... ~ RHF
= = = I Remain RHF a really humble fella in your Presents MWB
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