Thread: First Radio
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Old February 5th 04, 01:13 PM
Posts: n/a

Hi Laura:
Yes, this is a very good choice for a first shortwave Radio.
Get a good pair of headphones; it'll help clarify the sound.

Also, get a copy of " Passport To Worlband radio" and / or " Monitoring Times"

to see whats on when.
Passport can be found at most Barnes & Nobles, " MT" at Huge newsstands ( or
Most Shortwave comes in at night. With a 20 foot" Rand om Wire" antenna ,
you'll be able to pick up just about anything..
I routinly pick up Radio Australia & Radio New Zealand ( Propagation being good
off the whip of my SWR.. Here on the U.S East Coast.

Be aware that the SHortwave signal is bounced off the ionosphere; so imagine
sunlight bouncing off the ocean.
Sometimes it's mirror smooth, other times filled with Big Rolling, Swells,
other times stormy & choppy.
- SO the signal may be crystal clear, or subject to occasional fading, or
occasionally really not there for a while..

Still, it's nice to hear voices, music and opinions from Far away.
Theres something intriguing about it I haven't found anywhere else..


In article ,
(Laura M) writes:

Hi all - I'm thinking of purchasing the Sony ICF-SW7600 as my first
shortwave radio. I've been reading some comments in the newsgroup
that lead me to believe this might be a good radio to start with, to
see if I enjoy SW.

I'm curious about the whip antenna. Will this be sufficient to
receive quality AM station reception at night? If not, is there an
antenna I can purchase that is small and is easily set up and put
away? The SW radio will be in our guest room and I need something
easily removed when company comes over.

Any info would be so helpful and appreciated!
