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February 6th 04, 12:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Broadcast AM reception is the weakest feature on the SW7600GR. You're not
going to get the AM reception of a CCRadio+ with it, but it will be
light-years ahead of your typical clock radio.
However, if you want great AM reception "on the cheap," you should look into
a GE SuperRadio III (no shortwave -- but has been a standard for years), or
the Tecsun BCL-2000/Grundig S350 (analog tuning, digital readout in SW and
AM -- check the Yahoo group:
Be warned. If you are anything like the rest of us in this newsgroup,
you're going to spend a LOT more on radios -- sooner than you think. This
is a really fun hobby.
-- Stinger
"Laura M" wrote in message
Thanks for responding to my post. JUst wondering...I'm hoping for
clear am reception. Is this a problem? I've read that am reception
can be a problem on a shortwave radio.
Telamon wrote in message
In article ,
(Laura M) wrote:
Hi all - I'm thinking of purchasing the Sony ICF-SW7600 as my first
shortwave radio. I've been reading some comments in the newsgroup
that lead me to believe this might be a good radio to start with, to
see if I enjoy SW.
I'm curious about the whip antenna. Will this be sufficient to
receive quality AM station reception at night? If not, is there an
antenna I can purchase that is small and is easily set up and put
away? The SW radio will be in our guest room and I need something
easily removed when company comes over.
Any info would be so helpful and appreciated!
It is a good radio.
There is an internal ferrite bar as an AM antenna. It is directional
with signal nulls off the end of the radio.
The whip is used for short wave and FM. It is generally best to point it
You can add 20 foot of wire for short wave reception and clip it to the
whip for short wave reception improvement or purchase an external Sony
loop antenna.
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